Re: Turning off VW Broadband Access
Adrynalyne I apologize if I was rude. It was not my intention. This is an annoying problem. My Mexico point was - if you were out of coverage and had to pay the extra 5.25/mb it would be nice to cut off broadband access and not the phone. There should be a communication manager like the HTC. It should be a click of a button - a one second method. It turns it off or on. All your methods would work and I thought about doing just what you recommended. I should have been more specific with the question. All I wanted to know "was there a program I missed or an easy on off button that would disable broadband access?". So to answer my own question. There is no way to turn the network setting off unless you completely remove the network connection.
To change this post to a positive note, It would be cool if someone created an app or if VW and Samsung released an update with those specifications in mind.
Thanks Adrynalyne, I appreciate all your help. I appreciate all the help from all the other members as well. We all want the same thing - the Omnia to be the best phone on the market.