Originally Posted by zebek
I too have experienced the TCPMP that the OP is talking about. Even though TCPMP is supposed to be greyed out, you should still be able to tell where the buttons are because of a small change in colour on the buttons. In this case, the buttons are not just "greyed/blacked out" but completely gone. I have run it under Juggalo's, Mightymike's and the stock TELUS rom, and all of them seem to have this issue. I am thinking that it must just be a glitch as I ran TCPMP on the P4000 with no problems. But easy Technology1, you might profess to be an expert in your world, but no need to belittle someone for asking a question. He wasn't crapping on Mightymike's ROM, he was asking if he had done something wrong.......the only thing wrong here was your response
See, you have gone slam smooth to the left, you are right! I'm wrong and this is right in front of his face, but I'm wrong. This is telling me you are just like him, you don't erven know what time it is or what the man is saying, one touch action, but I'm wrong for giving a hint to the man to use his head, but I'm wrong and you are correct, yeah right.....{LOL}