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Old 02-13-2009, 01:43 AM
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Lightbulb Metro flashed diamonds


I must say i have search the site and i don't see to many post related to metro flashed diamonds. So for those few of us who have been bold enough to unlimit ourselves, I'm going to start this thread. Here u will find answer on how to unlock ur cdma phone, yes i said i unlock. Setting up internet, gps, emial, and finally mms. I would greatly appreciate the help of any one who has any info to share. Who knows, maybe if there are enough of us we can get some metro based roms....

I have had my touch diamond for about 2 months now, although i'm am not new to the htc world. I have notice that the diamonds are just a touch differnt to upgrade. So it has been a learning process in it self. With that said let us began....

All diamonds i repeat all diamonds can be flashed by metropcs. Don't let them tell u any different, which they will, because sadly they don't check houdini. What is houdini, this is the program that metro use to flash there phones, and if u go on there website u will see a whole list of phone they can flash. Thats what i did, then I simply went in the store and told them I saw the phone on the site and that they can flash it. Here is where the adventour began, they try to just hook it up to the pc and flash.....ahhhhhhhh no go.....make sure they download the HTC patch from the houdini website....there is also a tutorial on the site that tell them exactly what to do......yeahhhhhhhhhhh so now ur flashed....

Now lets unlock the phone.....yes i know it says security unlocked on the tri-color srceen. Guess what its not u need to download a hard spl to unlock the phone so that u can start playing with u need roms to put the internet and mms on the phone. It seem that every post i have read seems to support that( if some one seem to find differnt please let us know). U can find the Hard spl here....spl-0.57 cmonex this is the cdma unlocker that i used. download, instruction and install can be found here, Thanks to Cmonex. Just a side note there are two on there, the spl-0.43 is for advance user that like to tinker with the bootloader, not BEGINERS i repeat not NOOBS.

Now to the easy part picking a roms....well not really because there are some many to choose from. I have used juicy4.4 which work well i had all but mms working. Juicy is hard to find so if u don't feel like doing the leg work there are other roms to use (Please report ur usage so others will know). Now i'm in the process of upgrading to groove3 rom. I have had a few issue not sure if it due to the fact that it made for sprint and has alot of sprint stock rom in it. Or maybe i'm just doing something wrong, but i will get back to u with my findings. In the mean time i'm going to learn how to make a rom and see if i can get our first metro specific rom...

side note i'm using vista and i have no problem flashing.....
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