I have a Touch Pro now. I had 3 800W devices and each one lost Bluetooth connection a few times during the day. The Touch Pro: not at all.
Each of the 800Ws connected to the laptop via Bluetooth without a problem and the same with the headset, but again, headset connection was lost routinely.
The headset I am currently using worked fine on the 2 Centros I had. Works fine on the Touch Pro (no disconnects) - so really, not an issue with the headset, it was an issue with the 800W.
As for network disconnects - I am in the same places every day. There are times the Touch Pro looses the network (in a walk-in freezer); but coming out it connects. The 800W lost the network and did not always reconnect without a bit of effort. In addition, it would loose network connection in a strong signal area. The Touch Pro: not a problem.
I have a long Palm history and have had 7 (including the Touch Pro) WM phones. Before I blame anyone, I take the time to look for a reason. I contact the developer, so forth. In this case, it is not a software issue or a headset issue - the issue is strictly with the device in my situation.
Originally Posted by dannzeman
I just wanted to make sure because it says you're using a Touch Pro. Bluetooth is a finiky technology that depends heavily on the devices being used. I've had headsets that would pair very quickly and easily and I've had other that gave me so many problems I had to return them. My 800w connects with my laptop just fine and has never disconnected itself.
I don't think you can blame the device for network disconnects. You either have shoddy coverage or its the network. I've got the best reception I've ever had with the 800w. Those two problems seem relative to your device and not with 800w's in general. The bluetooth volume most certainly is a problem with the device in general because of the patch they released.
There is big difference between having problems with a single device and problems inherent with the device. It seems like most people are upset because they run into a problem and just blame Palm for it. A lot of people experience the same problem with other devices, it seems like treo user just shout louder.