Originally Posted by JBabey
Originally Posted by chrisk
Originally Posted by chrisk
Thanks for the great work on this rom, I've used several versions of it.
This time though something different happened. When I synch to my pc and get my mail, calendar appointments and so forth it appears the synch works. My appointments appear on the today screen. I cant find the link in the start menu (as was there on previous versions) to be able to launch either program. By the way if I click on the appointment on the today screen the calendar app launches fine so i know it is there somewhere.
Since this rolled off the current page, I want to bump it one time to see if there are any suggestions.
i must have missed this one... what exact link is it that you are looking for? i removed the calendar link from the start menu because you can just tap on the screen for it. little confused.
Sorry for not being clear. The calendar is not a problem, like you said i can just tap on the today screen.
I cannot locate the correct poutlook.exe (assumed that is the correct file) to use to launch in order to read emails. I know the emails are successfully synching.