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Old 02-12-2009, 08:25 PM
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Re: Overwhelmed w/Sprint touch pro, advice from the pros needed =)

Originally Posted by protomind View Post
Changed it to update my current phones . . . . . . . . . . Thanks alot for the advice, it REALLY helps alot, I am about to do the updates. Should I be doing a hard reset in there anywhere? Also, just out of curiosity is it difficult to remove/uninstall any added programs from these cooked ROMS? I was mainly wondering cause I kindahate internet explorer and was thinking that maybe if I install mightyrom I may want to uninstall it.
after flashing any ROMs, it's good practice to do a hard reset. (it won't erase the ROM you just flashed). to remove any proggies, install a cab of the program you wanna remove, and then uninstall that cab. but honestly, if you just remove the shortcuts to IE, you'll never even know it's there...
If someone (like me) helps you out, press !! only takes a second... !

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