Well, I see nothing in the RGU that seems to fit that....
here's the RGU:
"Face"="HelveticaNeue LT 55 Roman"
"HelveticaNeue LT 55 Roman"="\\windows\\tahoma.ttf,Tahoma;\\Windows\\mingliu.ac3,MingLiU;\\Windows\\msgothic.ac3,MS Gothic;\\Windows\\simsun.ac3,SimSun"
"HelveticaNeue LT 35 Thin"="\\windows\\tahoma.ttf,Tahoma;\\Windows\\mingliu.ac3,MingLiU;\\Windows\\msgothic.ac3,MS Gothic;\\Windows\\simsun.ac3,SimSun"
I've never had to change the weather file so I'm not too sure what is required to fix it.
I can redo the OEM without the weather icons changed if ya want though.