Re: [January 27th, 2009] M I G H T Y R O M 4.4 [SYS OS 20764 Build 20764] [UC]
Originally Posted by absdad63
Just a heads up for anyone who might experience the same problem. When I installed 4.4.5, my phone would not ring. Callers heard ringing and went to voice mail. I still received voice mail notifications, email, and text messages. I could also make outgoing calls, just not incoming.
Hard reset solved the problem.
I always follow the recommendation of Mighty Mike listed below. NO issues ever.
Originally Posted by mightymike
That's alotta hard resets lol.
Save yourself the time and do the following;
If your already on My rom:
1) Immediately Flash Shipped
2) Flash Mine
3) Clear Storage
4) Enjoy
I wish i had your guys patience. I never flash back to shipped... If you wanna live like me you do the following
If your already on my rom:
1) Flash New MightyROM
2) Clear Storage
3) Enjoy!
-- The key is not to hard reset using the hard method (volume down, power, bla bla bla)
Clear storage is the method recommended!
Current PPC: Sprint Touch Diamond
Current ROM: Gadget ROM 1.95a
Current Radio: Sprint 1:11