Re: I dispise the Touch Pro
While I can agree that the device comes setup poorly, if you take the time to read the best practice / FAQs provided on this site (and XDA) you "should" find that the Touch Pro is a capable and powerful device.
I have used a few devices as well (i730/i760/Blackjack/Titan) and found all of them to have their own "quirks". Once this device was setup the way I wanted it to be (and yes I am using the stock VZW leaked ROM) I have had only minor issues facing button responsiveness and GPS lag - both I can live with.
The phone (flashed to telus) is fantastic and clear. GPS works like a dream (with a little lag in Garmin XT, but so what) and is customizable to whatever use I throw at it.
Honestly for you to go in and put a post like this on this board shows either:
1. You have not taken the time to learn anything about the device. (OR)
2. You have had two bad devices in a row, which I think would be really bad luck.
Sorry to say, but I have to whole-heartedly disagree with you on this.