Originally Posted by mikee4fun
Guys download the sys config file I attached. Drop it into the iGO8 folder on your storage card and then run the autorun.exe in the 2577 folder. Now it should work. I spent for ever and a day configuring the file to work with the Touch Pro. After it works try to uninstall it. Let me know your results.
Thanks for your efforts. Really appreciate it.
I tried your file, but with little luck.
Before getting IGO8, I borrowed one from a friend to try. I could not install or uninstall. So, I tried to manually search for and remove all the files. Apparently, it did nor work.
When I tried my version, which is probably different (I think I have a newer IGO8 maps), autorun installs it and then tells me that another version is on the card. If I click yes to replace it, it thinks for a while, and then asks again, and again...
So, I need to uninstall all of it first. The program does not even show up under Remove Programs options, and I would hate to hard-reset.
Any bright ideas?
Again, thanks for your help.