Originally Posted by biggaboo
i can't sign in...or type into anything
its buggy, just hit back, or ok a cuple times itll pop up
Originally Posted by Androktasie
Thanks for the upload! Unfortunately the song is still skipping the last 40 seconds or so and the video is still miniature. Tested on HTC Diamond with stock Sprint ROM.
i had this problem too, thought it was a bug at first but it didnt seem consistent. turns out pandora wont play if the screen turns off. if you hit the sleep button it quits.. i tested it out and its just that when the phoen auto-sleeps due to your power settings pandora is kicking off, but then when it triies to reconnect the screen kcisk back on so you might have missed it. i havnt had alot of chance to play with it but ive successfully gotten two songs ina row to play fully just by keeping the screen on