Originally Posted by moonzbabysh
Before i get flamed i want to exclude the people who had legit reasons for getting there moguls replaced and single out everyone who scammed asurion and sprint even when they knew there moguls were in decent working order. This is to you who broke your phone on purpose to get a TP and to those who just made up shyyt that they dont check for when they check out your phones THANK YOU ALL FOR MAKING THEM CHANGE THE TEP FROM $50 to $100.
Again i exclude all who had legit reason, but you know not everyone in this thread had even one. whoever tries to flame obviously they did the not so honest thing so let see who says what!!
I agree with you, f*ck those people, but this is not the reason they are increasing the price. The people that make up this site are only a fraction of Sprint users, albeit the smartest of the Sprint users, and the ones that are screwing the insurance company make up an even smaller percentage of total Sprint Users. It's all about inflation.