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Old 02-11-2009, 07:09 PM
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Re: Looking for your OEM ROM?

Originally Posted by brockmandl View Post
I show radio, I will see if bluegrass can activate the phone -- I have literaly swapped the ESN using 3 different active Bluegrass ESN's, using a Hex Editor and dumping to the phone. It shows the new ESN in all correct loactions.But when I put the original ESN back in with my current settings, I show signal -- I think I need to try the Bluegrass register my ESN.
Thanks - and I will update after I see if they will active the foreign (SPRINT) ESN.
Ok, this explains a LOT about your problems. Why are you cloning ESNs? It is illegal and unnecessary. All you had to do was call the provider and tell them you got a new phone and you want to do an ESN swap. They take the ESN of the new phone and all that's left is programming the phone number and whatnot into the new phone. Only exception is if Bluegrass is like Sprint, in that they won't activate ESNs of other carriers.
**BTW, if you don't know what you're doing while messing with the ESN you can quite easily brick your phone.**

Originally Posted by brockmandl View Post
Looks like the end for me.
I used
QPST Service Programming to update all settings (I also named it Bluegrass)
The Bluegrass People really tried to help (BIG UPS)
The Registered the ESN and attempted to get it working for me but it never actual allowed a call. I'm sure their is a way but I am forced to give up.
The good thing is, other than my time and energy, Bluegrass didn't charge me anything for the 40 minutes they spent tweaking for me.

Can't say I didn't try.
I did learn alot about CDMA's -- but I hope we switch to SIMS.

Thanks for all of the input......I'll be back.
Yes, I love SIMS. I'm thinking about switching to T-Mobile because I am sick of Sprint harassing me for doing a phone swap every six months.
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