Originally Posted by denttarek
oh no sorry dude, but i haven't seen your past posts ,let me ask you what do you have installed?!! cause i am certain it is not a rom problem!?
Under 4.4.4 I had nothing installed, other than the rom, when it started. I then installed the fancy icons and taskbar someone posted here. Under 4.4.5, I continued to have the issue, along with sluggish behavior. Someone suggested the taskbar and icons could be related to the sluggishness, so I did a hard reset and I did not re-install the icons/taskbar. Now all I have is 4.4.5 and one message plus. (And the sluggishness still occurs). I wonder if it's becasue I have 1,700 contacts. Although, under 4.4.1, through 4.4.3, there were no sluggish issues...
STILL LOVING IT THOUGH, thanks Rico & Mike!