Originally Posted by syrguy1969
OK....first off....I just noticed your post count....Welcome to the community!!!
Secondly....Try to uninstall Pandora and reinstall again. Sometimes that works. If not...how much do you have installed? Do you use a backup app?
Thanks for the welcome. I joined back when I first got my phone but I am not a technical person so I just read and if I understand what you guys are talking about, I do it. LOL. This is new to me. My husband always did the tweaks on my 6700 but won't touch my Omnia. He says he hates it. I think he is jealous. LOL
I tried just uninstalling and reinstalling and that didn't work so I went for it and did a hard reset on my device and internal storage to bring the phone back to factory settings. I put Pandora on and it worked again so I put ifonz on and it is working fine. Weird, but I'm happy. I will just keep testing every time I install any apps to see if anything else messes it up again.
Thanks for all he help.