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Old 08-04-2007, 02:28 AM
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Originally Posted by fgloryofgod23
how can i change the slapsh screen?



I asked the same thing a few days ago & no one bothered to reply, so I started digging around in the oem theme folders in the kitchen (I use BigJ's), there are various images in the folder & of course one is the splash screen, if you replace the image & LEAVE IT NAMED EXACTLY THE SAME AS IT WAS, it will now be your splash screen if you choose that theme in your kitchen & build your rom., while your there, there are several other images that can be changed, the default wallpaper for the theme, the dialer background & a few screens that I've only seen so far on a hard reset, setup options background type screens..

if you have photoshop or something then play around with these, the easiest way is to just choose one theme (I choose mario) & one buy one open the images, edit & save. note that most of these images are of the "indexed" mode & will need to be converted to say rgb for editing, but then should be converted back to indexed mode before saving again for space reasons & to insure compatability, don't know if it woulda worked at all if I didn't convert them back to indexed, didn't try that yet.

you can't change the name of your theme without probably having to edit an xml file atleast, & I don't know what else yet, but if you just leave it as named it'll work fine as your own theme, splash & all, of course all the default sounds are there too & you could change those around too

if there is any way to change a splash screen without flashing that'd be cool to know too, I'd guess some of the programs that do all of the skinning & customizing probably have a utility that can change a splash screen without flashing, but that's just a guess so far...

hope this helps
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