Well Crap.....
So for some reason, out of the blue, my phone decides it doen't wan't to communicate with the PC anymore. When I plug in the usb, my phone does the connect to active sync or disk drive screen, and whichever I choose, my PC shows nothing. Tried deleting partnership, and then plugging back in, still nothing. Tried reseting phone, nothing. Tried reseting computer, nothing. SO now I'm doing a hard reset. God Damnnit.
All this was after installing TCPMP. I tried to start it up, got an error. Went to remove programs and removed it. Then when I reset my phone, got stuck in some weird bootloader screen that said "security unlocked" at the top. Anyone else had this happen. Stock sprint ROM btw.
F*ck me, right?
High fives are all I need to get by in life....