Re: Disappointed with the HTC TOUCH DIAMOND
I have been using the Diamond for about 2 months now prior to that it was the Touch Pro before that 800w and through out all kept my Vogue on...I have found my Vogue to be the most reliable device out of the bunch.
I only brought all this up because I noticed you mentioned possible interest in the treo800 if you are looking into flashing a device I'm sure there is no unlocker yet for this device which is the main reason I left it behind...Also the motorola Q9c has know touch capabilities...
Also the TP is not a bad Idea even though there is a ton of stuff that needs to be done to it before you will feel 100% confortable with it...
There is different dialers out there that cover your phones options so that you have to slide it down on the screen to keep your face from hitting anything accidentally...Personally I would stick with your Diamond or move to the Pro thats where your comfort level will stay the same between these two devices...There are plenty of pros and cons to both devices....GOOD LUCK!!!!