Originally Posted by kernel610
Just dyed my cover black and it looks awesome!! Thanks for the awesome tip! I have an Invisible Shield on the rest of my unit and I was wondering if you guys think it would be possible to dye the side protectors? For those of you who aren't familar with it, this is what it looks like.
The material seems like it would soak up the dye but i'm not sure how I'd do it. Anyone have any ideas? I know it doesn't cover the unit entirely, but I think that the edges of silver that would still be showing would look really good as accents. Any ideas?
I dyed my clear gel 2 piece cover with the exact same stuff for the battery cover, and they turned out great. Got one thats a nice deep red color, and another one blue. I followed the same directions from post 1 for the gel covers, and i couldnt be happier with the results.