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Old 02-10-2009, 11:51 PM
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Completley Unstable Wifi On XV6800?

Hey guys. I don't know what's been up with my XV6800. When I think about it, this has been happening since I got it, just about a month ago.

When I turn on the wifi switch, it takes a decent amount of time to find my wifi network, and then connects, but the connection only lasts for a few minutes and then dies.

And get this, you'd think I'd just be able to disconnect and reconnect, like I could with my Apache, but ALL the networks will say unavailable, and I'll get frustrated trying to connect over and over again, and then after 10 minutes, I'll give it another try, and it'll be working again, but again, same issue.

What gives? Anyone else have this kind of issue? I've already dragged the WLAN slider from Max Bat to Max Performance, and made sure shut Wifi connection off if not found x minutes was set to Never.

I never had this issue with the Apache, and seeing as I paid a decent amount to upgrade (preferred Titan over TP due to battery), I don't feel I should be having this issue. Any ideas?
~~~~~~~When hacking and tweaking, and stuff goes wrong, and you feel like , the last thing you have left to do is FOLLOW THE DARN DIRECTIONS.

~~~~~~~Tweaker's Mantra: When something is working perfectly fine, that means it's time to tweak it.
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