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Old 02-10-2009, 11:50 PM
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Putting Sprint Touch on Verizon???

Ok, I called Verizon and asked if i could use a Sprint Touch on their network. They said that they fill out a form and it takes like a week. So I bought a Sprint Touch (cant stand the iPod white verizon one). I went to my Vz store today, they said it cant be done.

they called "their" support people, and they said it cant be done. So i left the store laughing because the rep said i sould just get a Crapberry, i literally laughed in his face. he wasnt too happy about that

So i leave the store and call Vz customer service and speak to tier 1 data dept (only ones willing to help) they said that they cant find the form, as nobody has requested it.

So is there a way to get a Sprint Touch onto Vz?
ive seen some stuff for the touch pro, but i know some of the programs and files might be different.

Any help much appreciated.
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