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Old 02-10-2009, 04:03 PM
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Re: | February 10th, 2009 | . | M i g h t y R O M 4.4.5 | . | BLACKOUT | . | 20764-UC

Originally Posted by timtlm View Post
This is because Mike sets his scroll-bars wider than the default settings. If you are running the default settings, you don't see a scroll-bar at all in the recent calls list. You can change the scroll-bar width in the registry setting HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\GWE\cxVScr (13 is the default).
Just had a huge AHA! lightbulb moment. I had assumed that the HScr and VScr values were for horizontal and vertical scroll bars, but I couldn't recall ever seeing a horizontal scroll bar. But the AHA is that H and V stand for visible and hidden!! I appreciate Mike's efforts at enhancing fat-finger operations, but the overall interface looks much cleaner with the default value of 13 (IMHO).
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