Originally Posted by gere200
Hey everyone, whenever im typing a text message on my Apache it seems to lag extremely, is there anyway I can fix this typing lag??
Please go into your profile and add your carrier and device model so when you need help with something we do not have to ask. It just helps us help you in the long run. THX.
Originally Posted by oppman
yeah thats one thing I hate about my apache. I have word completion OFF and it still lags when typing.. but it doesnt do it all the time.. sometimes 3-4 programs are running and it works fine, other times no programs but the text are running and lags when typing.
Please go into your profile and add your carrier and device model so when you need help with something we do not have to ask. It just helps us help you in the long run. THX.
Originally Posted by nkcavs23
thanks! this is the only thing, besides the size of the device, that i dont like. one down one to go haha
Please go into your profile and add your carrier and device model so when you need help with something we do not have to ask. It just helps us help you in the long run. THX.