700wx Help for Newb
Good Afternoon,
I purchase a 700wx a week and a half ago and I am generally happy with it. I am a complete novice when it comes to this technology. I have had a Samsung camera phone since 2003 and I have never owned a Palm Pilot or PDA. I guess the only thing I have going for me is that I am familiar enough with Windows to play around and figure some things out but other than that, I know nothing. I have been reading this site and it has helped me greatly, thank you for posting such great info in a way that a complete rookie could understand. I have run into two problems with my device:
1) My 700wx came with some software called On Demand. I activated it and used it one time. Since then, whenver I click on the icon, nothing happens. It seems as if my device is not recoginizing me touching the icon with the stylus. Every other icon responds when it is clicked. I tried to uninstall and reinstall but that is not working either. Is there a fix for this?
2) The piscel PDF viewer came standard with this phone as well but it does not seem to recognize eFax PDF files. Is this normal and if so, is there a workaround? I get a lot of eFax docs and they come over in the PDF format but everytime I open one, all I get is a blank page. I can other PDF files, just not the eFax ones.
3) My Windows Media Player 10 does not recognize MPEG files downloaded from the internet. I looked in my user guide and it did not list MPEGs as a format it can recognize. I know WMP can play MPEGs as it does on my home and work computer. Is there some download to correct this problem or is just a limitation of the software?
Thank you for all the great information. I have downloaded Total Commander so I can unzip files(although I do not know how to fully use it) and I downloaded the PHM Regedit software. Oh, a quite a few themes as well. Most important, thank you for the workaround with Picture Mail, I was about to take this phone back and get a 700p but since I can now send picture mail, I am very happy with my device. Oh, is there a good website to download ringtones?
Sorry for the long post. I am exicited about my new phone and I want to get the most out of it for the price. Thanks in advance for all your help.
Do not chase after everything you see, you may not have everything you want but you have everything you need.
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