Re: i910 MMS Picture Resize Problem
The images I'm getting are a mix of pics from other phones and from digital cameras sent to my phone via e-mail. This wasn't an issue with the LG Dare or my Voyager prior to that but the most noticeable part is when I transfer received pics to my PC and look at them on my computer screen they are about the sive of, say, your avatar for here on the forums. When I sent a test image to my friend at 1024 x 768 screen resolution, he received it fine, transferred it to his desktop computer to look at it and confirmed that it was the same size as what I sent him. I almost always transfer all pic messages I get to my PC for backup so switching to the Omnia was a shocker when I transferred my first couple received pictures over lol. I do understand that the rendering of the picture if viewed on the phone would be of smaller size, but when viewed on a PC after being transferred over it should show up as a real sized picture and not something the size of a mere forum avatar heheh.