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Old 02-09-2009, 11:02 AM
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Re: Removing Alarm info and sprint text off TP homescreen

Originally Posted by wdaniels2007 View Post
Hi 02840, thanks for getting back to me. Two questions...
1.When you use personalizer will the fix stay because I tried changing the registry entry and it never stays?
2.I already love the way my TF3D home screen looks so will the SSMaPA just change the area around the clock?

BTW..thank you again.
1. Looks like you've already got plenty of input on Personalizer. It's not something I use so I'd listen to those that have.
2. SSMaPa doesn't actually change the way the Home tab looks, it just changes the behavior of the items on the Home tab. For example, I have the calendar set to go to PI8 when pressed rather then the default calendar and the alarm set to go to G-Alarm when pressed rather than the default system clock. The Home tab itself looks the same. Read up on it on XDA via the link I posted if you have any problems and that should explain it all.
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