Re: ~[ 2/5/09 ]~ CE OS 5.2.21109 Clean ROM v1.2-BORED
Thank you. I like the spartan rom. I have a couple of questions:
I don't use TouchFlo, I like quickmenu, so I don't need to worry about that. I would like to use the diamond keyboard and dialer keypad that scott uses in his rom. Is there a cab for these keyboards?
I like the way that Slide2 would gray out the screen when I was on a phone call. When I installed this on your rom it would not gray out the screen. Is there a way to get this to work? or is there any other program that does this? Usually I have the screen turn off but I liked the gray screen better.
Are you going to redo the rom with 1.5?
Thanks again. Overall, I am very happy with the performance. Nice job.