Originally Posted by nuzzle
Just wanted to add the following...
I really love Sprint, no company is perfect. But Sprint is the one company I feel like ISNT f*cking me over. or raping me like every other company out there.
Because of that I wont be leaving them anytime soon. and everyone I know pretty much has sprint because of how much I praise them. I've had minimal problems since I been a Sprint customer, about 6 years now.
You know who I feel the most bent over from? Comcast. How is it that every channel you offer plus 2 dvr's only costs me 32.99/mo but highspeed internet is f'n $45/mo?!?!?!?!?!?!? (I know, I know, tether, but its no where near as fast, and I download close to 10 gigs a day.)
On Topic:
Sprint has always given me great deals on the phone. I've never had to wait a full 22 months to get my discount, and they're service is the best anywhere I've been. And you can basically get the customer service to do whatever you want. I think the people that have problems with them are the people who are pricks to the cs agents.