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Old 02-09-2009, 12:04 AM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pros from Ebay

I bought two of them from fleaBay for my wife and I because my old plan includes shared unlimited data, text, and 2000 minutes for $85/month. There is NO way that I am going to pay $200/month for what I am getting now for $115 less. The extra I paid for the phones (and I paid more than $350 each)will be paid for in a few months. I figure that for the 8 years I had that "unlimited data", I bet I used less than .25MB per month for those eight years. I'm now finally getting my money's worth -- and I'm NOT going to pay them a $0.01 more!

I bought my wife her phone for Christmas to replace an 8 year old Sanyo 4900 and liked it so such I bought one for myself. Having never taken ANY deals from Sprint in the 8 years I've been with them and then being told I have to "upgrade" to a $115 more per month plan to "get a deal" on my first new phones in 8 years?!! No thanks!

I had absolutely no problems activating either of the phones.

Last edited by SkinsFan; 02-09-2009 at 12:07 AM.
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