Originally Posted by gmarcoux
The movie analogy was an exaggeration and very simplified (I doubt anyone would answer the question that way for the exact reasons you mentioned). All I'm saying is that if someone is asking for an opinion, give him an opinion and not advise. At the very least shrink it down to a few options. We all know that there are a select few roms that rise above the rest in these threads and that there are certain ones that may be less likely to please. You will always be right when you say that it is a matter of preference, but that is exactly what was being asked of you.... your preference. If everyone even simply stated their preference then a new flasher (sounds like a pervert) could very easily distinguish the more popular roms (i.e. if 100 people responded ans 30% used Juicy 20% used Calcu's, 15% used OMJ, 15% used Mighty 10% used Jugs, 9% used groove and 1% used other you've already dwindled it down to at least 6 and the percentage might even recommend the order by which to start flashing)
I guess my point is you're point is logical but let's assume the person asking the question understood the idea of preference and variables and still just wanted an opinion, let's give him that or nothing at all
Ok, I understand and respect your point. however, if established chefs are in this thread recommending to try multiple roms, why wouldn't that be good advice? You last sentence to me is ridiculous. give him your opinion or nothing..... the opinion is to try other roms. that's it. I don't think anyone should thrash him though for asking the question.