Aamon, that might have been a matter of which app was open in the background at the time. I've found by sending myself a lot of picture messages that, if you have not changed HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/Svc/MMS (Or MMS1) to HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/Svc/MMS.old (Or MMS1.old) the Arcsoft app tends to receive them by default. When I installed the app via cab, and fixed my registry to MMS.old, all messages came through the palm app, I no longer had an MMS portion of POutlook, in fact. However, I now have it installed via OEM, and it seems that even editing MMS.old does not make Arcsoft's client go away. However, what I will be doing now that I am building a new ROM is not including any sort of Arcsoft client, and seeing what I can see.