Originally Posted by Big D5
Hello and welcome to the PPCGeeks, a reminder from our Admin and us Mods here at PPCGeeks. We want to keep this place warm and friendly, a place were everyone can go to learn about there PPC, so please refrain from using avatars that you would not want your children or your boss to see. Remember some view this website from work and some view from home with children present so be courteous and mindful of others.
Thanks for understanding
Sorry, but I do not understand. Just because your political views differ from mine, does not mean that my views are offensive or should somehow be controlled. In what way is a plant that can be used to treat many different medical symptoms offensive? If you ask me, what is offensive are the laws in this country that force cancer and aids patients (some of whom are our grandparents) to get their medicine from some hooded guy in a dark alley instead of in the drug store where it can be regulated and taxed.
Should luv2chill, drink14me, ImCokeMan and I all change our nicks because they could be construed as condoning illicit behavior? And what about Ya_4_Juggs and CaptainJager? My avatar says something about me and my political views, I see no reason to change it. If it were sexual or violent in nature I could understand, but it is neither.
72 percent of respondents agreed with the statement, "Adults should be allowed to legally use marijuana for medical purposes if a physician recommends it."
DATE: November 2004
Sample Size: 1,706
...see, most octogenarians are educated enough to know how offensive our marijuana laws are in this country.
How about a friendly poll to see what the people of this forum think? If in 30 days there is a 72% majority (to parallel the AARP Poll above), I will find a different avatar. EDIT: I even cast the first vote against myself to give you neo-cons a head start. :P
EDIT: Ok... due to a request, here's the original avatar. I suspect I may get more flack for the new one although it shouldn't be deemed "offensive"