I've had my phone for a little over a week. Battery power sucks! I use my phone moderately, mostly calls and a little internet, and I don't have any programs installed except Opera Mini beta version. I've done all of the battery saving options on the phone everyone else is mentioning, and I even put it in sleep mode immediately when not using the phone. Battery power is almost gone by late afternoon. A couple times it died on me completely by 7:00 pm. I love the phone but low call volume and lousy battery life are putting a damper on my joy of owning this phone.
I noticed HTC's suggestion of not charging the phone for more than 4 hours. I plug mine in before I go to bed and unplug it in the morning when I wake up. Like who is going to get up in the middle of the night at the 4 hour mark to unplug their phone? Never had a problem with charging any battery overnight on any other phone. What a ridiculous statement!