Originally Posted by RamonTomzer
sorry if this is in the wrong spot, wasnt sure where to post this but here goes...
i can get android to run and phone and sms work, but for the life of me i can not get the data connection to work!!! i have installed using the cab so i understand that i need to update my startup.txt file, and i have.
set RAMSIZE 0x08000000
set MTYPE 1667
set KERNEL zImage
set initrd initrd.gz
# The following kernel parameters are useful
# ppp.username - The username used to connect to the network when dialing #777
# ppp.password - The password used to connect to the network when dialing #777
# msm_sdcc.msmsdcc_fmax - The maximum frequency (in Hz) used by the SD controller
# pm.sleep_mode - The mode used when the phone is off
# 0=Power Collapse Suspend, 1=Power Collapse, 2=Apps Sleep,
# 3=Slow Clock and Wait for Interrupt 4=Wait for Interrupt
# Default is 0, use 3 if you have an old radio
# board-htcvogue.panel_type - Panel type used to power the panel off and on
# 0=Don't power off the panel (Default)
# 1=Hitachi 2=Topoly 3=Samsung
set cmdline "ppp.username=*****@sprintpcs.com"
# This is what I use: "msm_sdcc.msmsdcc_fmax=32000000 pm.sleep_mode=0 board-htcvogue.panel_type=1"
that is my exact startup.txt coding except my username instead of the stars...
what am i doing wrong?!
thx in advance!!
And you're w/ sprint?
I didn't modify a thing, I booted in, ran togga once, and data worked just like that way easy. Straight fresh off the dl.
Have you tried just not touching anything at all and running togga?