Well I got mine yesterday, I'm on the second kill cycle. The first cycle was spent streaming internet radio continuously. 4h30 minutes. The phone didn't seem to get as hot. Also several texts sent and recieved.
Today has been a work day, so I didnt have the luxury of just attempting to wear the battery down, but I'm definately making it a heavy use day.
Phone off the charger at 12:30pm 1 hour phone call on the drive in to work - 83% battery left.
Its now 9pm, I've watched 1 hour of Dexter streamed via Orb from home, Played about 15 minutes of games, sent and recieved about 25 texts. Push e-mail has been active and I've recieved about 15 e-mails. Also downloaded and installed 3 programs via PIE. 30 minutes of browsing and approx 30 more minutes of streaming music.
Battery is at 57%
I was afraid I'd kill the battery before I left work for home ... now I'm afraid I wont be able to kill it before I get home.
Regarding the size - yes this definately adds a lot of size to the phone. But for me that was actually a good thing. With the stock battery I have often found myself turning the device off with the powerbutton while typing. The extra thickness added by the new cover moves the screen just high enough to rest on my fingers so I no longer hit the button, and it gives me what feels like a more secure grip.
So for me, this battery is definately worth it. Take from my experience what you will.