SIMPLE PROGRAM NEEDED! Toggle roaming only settings...
Those of us with Sprint who occasionally visit fringe reception areas should already be very aware of the "roam only" option on our phones.
In my office, which has no native sprint coverage, I need to put my phone into roam only, otherwise my battery will die 2x as quickly and I'll miss plenty of calls. Then, when I leave, I can safely resume my automatic network selection.
The problem is that this process is very tedious, requiring many clicks:
Start, settings, phone, services, roaming, get settings, roaming only, OK.
And some of these windows take a few seconds to populate, making this process take a few moments of just sitting at my desk when I come in every day. Then, the same thing when I leave.
So, what I'm proposing here is a very simple application that could toggle those settings automatically. This app could sit on the start menu, or be mapped to a hardware button for those of us that need to do this an awful lot.
What do you guys think? I know I'm not alone in wanting to do this, but I need the help of someone more familiar with the internal workings of the OS (I don't know what happens internally when the roaming settings are changed). Basically, I wouldn't even know where to start.
Anyone think they can help me out?