My faves (where you need to have WVGAFix3 installed I have noted with a [W]):
Scrobble 1.2 = Best freeware Scrabble-type game out there. Good dictionaries. Opponent plays decently. Can handle multiple human players. Graphics are nice. You do have to scroll around using the D pad to go over the whole board, but not a huge problem. Link =
Pocket Uno = Brilliant version of Uno. Computer opponents are quite adept at beating the human player. Freeware. See below post for link.
The Quest [W] = Quite simply the best fantasy RPG made for a cell phone. Amazing graphics, smooth play, immersive world, many of the same features as the hit game Oblivion (i.e. alchemy), nice skill-based and class-based system. Shareware. Link =
Pocket Mille Bournes = An addictive game, I have always liked Mille Bournes and this is the best freeware version I have seen. Decent computer players with decent tactics.
Pocket RackO = RackO is an amazingly simple game to learn and very difficult to master. Well done. Freeware. See below post for link.
MBPokerPro = 7 card stud for the PPC. The graphics have a problem when trying to display the card faces with the suites as symbols, but they are clean when you switch to a letter and number interface (i.e. instead of a 7 of hearts showing as an actual heart shape and a 7, it shows as 7H). Good computer play, and each of the other computer players has a different personality, so you have to be able to read your opponents! Freeware. files uploaded.