Originally Posted by FormerPalmOS
Scott (and anyone else with a kitchen) - new os.nb.payload for 21109-based XIP attached here. While your results may vary, I have found the best stability and fewest "issues" when the XIP and SYS versions match. For me that means 20764 SYS with version 3E and 21109 SYS with version 2E. Note - I have not tried the new 2E I uploaded - but I have used the older 2E (some broken issues previously reported - like phone settings) with 21109 in a kitchen and it was OK.
Out of everything I've tried, I've had the fewest issues with 20764 and 3E. I've taken a massive set of pruning shears to the \Windows directory but kept the HTC bloatware since I'm all about the glam.
At this time, I'm taking a break from ROM work - so no I won't be trying the new beta in the near future. Will re-engage when I get the flash itch... But right now I'm very happy with my phone.
This should work fine with Scott's SSK 1.2 right? without changing anything, his shows CE OS 19XXX and Built 21109. So if I drop your 2E os.nb.payload in there, it should then be CE OS 21109 as well right? I get so confused with this stuff...