Originally Posted by fat boy
Sorry to get back to you late......needed a break from this. Use the file in #471 (this is the complete manila) and using Total Commander. Make sure you are using the "Select all" feature under "show" (because some of the files may be hidden) and make sure you are copying the manila files to the windows folder and NOT the zip file! Two of the files will say they can't be copied, thats OK. This works, I had to use it about 4 times yesterday alone. there are some personel tweaks in there I haven't given out yet. It only takes about 5 minutes.
LOL what am I missing? I dont have select all under the Show button. In fact, I cant find select all anywhere. I have looked everywhere. odd.
Edit -
Here are a couple of screenshots of some odd things. I ran a back up with SPB and copied all files to the Windows dir. After a soft reset, my slider is off center and there is a weird ghosting on the bottom icons. It looks like most things turned red, but the slider did not and is now off center.