I have gone to
www.mobilespeedtest.com a couple of times from a couple of different locations (i.e. Home, Work, and School) and I don't think I'm getting the right Numbers from the tests. At work my test results were 599186.3 kbps or 585.14 Mbps the site said "which means you can download from our server at 73.9 MB/sec. Then at home my test results were 1198372.6 kbps or 1170.29 Mbps on this test the site said "which means you can download from our server at 146.29 MB/sec. I was going to post a screen shot but don't know how to do a print screen on the phone and didn't have a camera to take a pic of it. The site says the Sprint's Average is 543 kbps. Any reason this site gives such high numbers?