Originally Posted by oldman
I decide where to put apps based on 2 criteria
1)Do I want it with the SD card removed.
2) If it's in the "Startup" folder, does it need to be operational before the SD card is fully read.
If the answers are NO, they go on the SD card. If the answer is YES, then it goes on the Phone.
Those are good points...my only beef with the SD card is speed. It almost never gets removed, so that is not really a consideration.
I would imagine even my class 6 card is not as fast as the built-in memory (haven't benched it, so may be wrong), and with programs, speed will make them more responsive. Since space is not a consideration like it was on my Dell Axim, all programs go to Main Memory, and SD is reserved for Music, Video, Documents, CAB files, and GPS maps...storage, basically.
Anyway, that's my reasoning...maybe if I get ambitious I'll do some read/write benchmarks.