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Old 02-04-2009, 03:23 PM
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Re: [February 1st, 2009] M I G H T Y R O M 4.4.2 [SYS OS 20764 Build 20764] [UC]

Is anyone else have BT connection issues?
Devices connect without issue and stay connected fine.
But after they've been disconnected, they won't stay reconnected when I connect again the next time!
  1. Pair and connect. Use all day or as long as needed.
  2. Disconnect by turning off headset or going out of range.
  3. Come back into range and/or turn headset back on.
  4. Device reconnects, but disconnects after a few seconds.
  5. In order to reconnect, I have to delete the device and re-pair. No problems until #2 happens again.
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