Originally Posted by SporkLover
Neato.... I already use the Touch Pro Geo-Tagging and manually add notes....... this will make it easier.
Originally Posted by Not_A_Stain
Yea me too...but to have a tab I can go right to would be so much easier!
Are you two talking about enabling "GPS Photo" in the camera? -- because, you should really check to see if the GPS coordinates are being stored. Rumor has it, that they are not.
I played with this for a while, (Footprints,) and I got bored quickly. I like how GPSToday just does it for me in the background. I don't have to wait for a lock to take a picture.
I can see it being a little fun to record notes or whatever, but most of the time, (99%, actually,) I just want my photo tagged. In that case, GPSToday wins hands down--much more configurable.
I am thinking of going back to a non-iolite ROM, because my RAM usage is WAY too freakin' high now... Between 75%-80%, and my phone keeps killing applications, EVEN with autokill disabled in registry...