Originally Posted by poorlyduck
So last week I sent the phone, the label was already in the envelope, all I had to do is put the phone inside and ship. Now sprint is emailing me that they didn't receive the phone yet and they might charge me from $50 to $200 wtf? the return tracking number that I have in my email isnt showing any process, I dont have no prouve that I sent it , its all in post office hands. I dont know what to do, any advise?
Sorry to here that happened, mine made it to sprint in two days, but I made sure I stood in line to hand it over to usps instead of just dropping it in the package mail in fear of this happening to me. Hope you get it resolved.
Originally Posted by 510jungleboy
I need to send mine back ..maybe tommorrow. So can i just send in the bare bone phone? I want to keep everything.
Yes you can, I'm not sure about the battery cover I left it on, but i kept everything else including the battery and I have yet to hear from them.