Originally Posted by shaggylive
this is the selection file I used, and it's been working fine for a few days now.
I wonder if those with trouble are not selecting .net cf 2.0 (still req for many apps), also select no when build os wants to replace .netcf3.5 files (it will overwrite no2chem's files with buildOS files [I choose to use no2chem's built in])
also are ppl putting their token in the windows folder (I find storage card flaky for this)
I did not include .net CF2.0, but ROM is working fine. What still needs it?
Attached are 2 working selections.txt files.
"One is glad to be of service." Bicentennial Man
Verizon: XV6700, XV6800 w/ROMs cooked in PPCGeeks Kitchen, Omnia i910 with cac2us ROM and Omnia 2 with Ninja4Hire's ROMS.