POutlook and Automatic Send/Receive problem
After fighting with FlexMail, I have switched back to POutlook. I am connecting to 4 IMAP accounts, and am polling them every 30 minutes. Doing this seems to result in reasonable battery life of my Mogul.
However, I am amazed to find that there doesn't seem to be any way to tell Outlook that I don't want it to poll right now. With FlexMail (or Chatter on my Treo) if I close the email app, even if it is configured for polling, it won't check for email. Only when it is up and running (or minimized in the background) it checks for new mail.
Is there any way to temporarily disable the checking for email? I have tried closing both Messaging and ActiveSync, and have turned off the data connection via the Comm Mgr, and it will still check for mail once the next 30 minute period begins.