Is this normal with the battery? Should I pay my Sprint repair center a visit?
Ok I had a TP from December with an 10/29/08 build and it would only last me no more than 8/9 hours on the battery, but since I was so excited, I used it like crazy too.
So I got it exchanged at BB in early January for a TP with a 11/14/08 build which seemed much better. At first, it seemed like the battery was nice and strong, but never went beyond 8/9 hours since I still did a lot with it.
Ok so recently I started using it less, and I would just have the phone in my pocket or desk for 6 or 7 hours and my battery would be 20 percent. I am unsure if this is normal, like today I unplugged the phone at 11:30AM and only tried out OperaMini for 2 minutes and just left it there with nothing running. At 5PM I have 10-20 percent battery left. Basically my phone was on standby, I only got one text since I don't use Sprint text anymore because of the delay issues.
Is this normal? Its like now its stuck at 8 hours max battery life, I could use the phone with maximum brightness, BeeJive constantly running and surfing the web on and off, and I would get 7/8 hours. Cut all that out and i still get 8 hours even with minumum brightness. I have tried all the battery tweaks, I tried the Telus radio and New Sprint Radio, and no difference at all. I usually have 3+ bars, whether I am home in Long Island NY or in NYC where the reception is always full bars.
I am not sure if I should go to the Corporate store which is about 20 miles from me and its snowing. What do I do? just walk up and tell them my battery doesn't hold a charge? Last time I did that at the other stores they tried to make me buy a battery/exchange the phone at best buy. I have TEP btw.