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Old 02-03-2009, 01:54 PM
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Re: nueROM3-206 w\ PPCKitchen BuildOS (Updated 1/23/08)

Originally Posted by SimpTheChimp View Post
Mr. Obvious, seems to work fine now. Only two things bother me:
  • For some reason, my EV icon on the top bar (I'm on Verizon) seems to keep flashing from EV to an antenna icon and back to EV. It didn't do that before.
  • I had over 30MB free RAM once I booted the first time. After I installed a lot of my apps I am down to only 26MB free after booting. Weird, cause I didn't install any memory resident stuff (I don't think) but I can't figure where that extra 4MB went.
Other than that seems to work OK. I'll put it thru the paces tomorrow, and repost then.

Excessive Icon flashing can be fixed by using MemMaid (trial version) and finding the repllog.exe that indicates (down below) RunAfterTimeChange or similar words, and deleting it. This will also greatly improve battery life. This stops the phone from trying to sync every time the clock changes.

Learned this right here at PPCGeeks, but don't remember who to thank for it.
"One is glad to be of service." Bicentennial Man

Verizon: XV6700, XV6800 w/ROMs cooked in PPCGeeks Kitchen, Omnia i910 with cac2us ROM and Omnia 2 with Ninja4Hire's ROMS.
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