Installing now. I'll post my results
edit: Got it installed just fine. Observations so far...
1) After the install my custom softkey choices on the home tab were ignored. Going back into Advanced config and changing the softkeys to something else and then back to my original selection fixed this.
2) I experienced the weather tab restarting touchflo issue. Removing the cache entry fixed it as suggested.
3) Selection process has changed under all programs in touchflo. Was able to quickly tap a program to start it before. Now I have to hold the selection down to start it. Kinda annoying.
4) I agree that the grey "highlighting" used in this manila isn't very useful. Would be nice to change it back to green.
5) I was able to go into Manila Customizer and change my clock and slider icons with no issues. Sweet.
Overall, this looks like a useful upgrade to touchflo. The people tab in particular has some nice additions. If I can just get rid of the grey highlighting and long selection I'll be very happy
Edit # 2

Just noticed touchflo is now showing up as an app in task manager. Accidentally closed it and killed touchflo. Adding it to the exclusion was a good enough fix for me...