Originally Posted by Miami_Mac
I don't know if I am alone, but I am currently running 1.6.04 and am experiencing the below issues. The same issues were much worse and frequent with 1.6.03, however.
The problems I am experiencing are:
1. Opera auto-closing (crashing) after loading a page. Mobile Facebook, for example.
2. Opera auto-rotating to landscape and then freezing.
3. While finger swiping across the different tabs in TF3D, TF3d crashes and restarts.
4. Full qwerty sometimes reverts back to small keyboard on its own.
I did not experience any of these in any of your previous roms prior to 1.6.03.
I always perform at least two hard resets after a new ROM flash, and since your ROMS are full of the apps I would normally install manually, I have not been installing any additional software.
Thanks again for your awesome ROM!
1. I haven't tweaked opera cache's and what not, so if an expierenced opera user wants to recommend some settings, I'd be willing to incorporate them.
2. Try increasing the value of the following registry key:
I haven't expierence the freezing, but I've had it flip on me.

Try like 0000FFFF instead of 00000578. I'll look into a way to turn it off.
3. I expierenced crashing like that while beta-testing an app that hosed my text messages, every time I stopped on that tab, tf3d reset, other than that I haven't had any issues.
4. SipChange was added with .03 and auto-sets the keyboard to the small keyboard. Delete the file \windows\startup\sipchangeset.lnk and that will go away.
Then it must be the version of tf3d, I'll go back to the previous one in the next version, I liked it better too.
I'm not 100% certain, but the hard-resetting after a flash is from the golden days. Back a couple years or so (10,000 years in ppc time) when the actual rom was in extended rom or something. To ensure the image got copied from extended rom to the devices memory, an additional hard-reset(copy) was recommended. The mogul was the last device you should have needed to do this on. I've never done it, and my flashes take just fine. Now a soft reset, that's recommendable. And depending on what you install with user customization, that setup reboot takes care of most issues.

Thanks for the feedback!

I only recently started using opera so I could use some help with tweaking that, but opera historically has issues... I'll keep an eye out to duplicate some of your observations, if I can duplicate them, I can fix em!
ToDo: 1. restore original tf3d. 2. Kill Opera gsensor. 3. Tweak opera